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Your Guide to using Electric Toothbrushes For Braces

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Taking good care of your oral health is incredibly important, and extra attention and care is required when brushing with braces on your teeth. Practicing good oral care habits helps prevent plaque or tartar build up. 

How to brush properly

To brush your teeth, first, rinse your mouth well with water. This will help loosen food particles that are stuck in and around the teeth. Then, brush the gum line and angle the toothbrush down to brush on top of each bracket. Finally, angle the toothbrush upwards and brush under the bracket and wire. Make sure you brush every tooth well and nicely. This will remove the excess plaque and debris within the teeth, keeping your mouth clean and hygienic. Choosing the correct type of toothbrush will aid in protecting your oral health, resulting in a bright and healthy smile.

What are Braces and why is it difficult to keep teeth clean with braces?

Braces are one of the most effective dental appliances orthodontists recommend to straighten or correct the alignment of the teeth, improving your smile. The ultimate goal of braces is not only to aid in the alignment of the teeth but also to address the importance of enhanced oral care. However, braces have some pros and cons, which can make the experience tough. One of the biggest challenges is cleaning teeth.

The brackets and wires on your teeth can make it difficult for a toothbrush to reach all the surfaces of the teeth. They also trap dental bacteria in and around the teeth, which can lead to tooth decay and irritated gums. That is why it is essential to use an electric toothbrush for braces! Investing in a good quality electric toothbrush is worth the purchase as its advantages outweigh the price. An electric toothbrush does a deep cleaning for your teeth compared to manual toothbrushes. Their rotating and vibrating action helps remove food and bacteria from the teeth and cleans every nook and corner of the teeth, which may seem impossible for a manual toothbrush.

Electric Toothbrush for Braces: A Complete Guide

In contemporary society we lead fast-paced lives, which may inadvertently lead us to allocate insufficient time and attention to our oral health. In light of this, electric toothbrushes emerge as a viable and advantageous option. They offer a notably effective means of cleaning teeth, particularly for individuals with dental braces. Those who wear braces often find electric toothbrushes to be a more convenient and efficient solution.

While manual toothbrushes do indeed serve the purpose of plaque and bacteria removal from teeth, they can prove to be somewhat challenging to manipulate around orthodontic braces. In contrast, electric toothbrushes excel in their ability to efficiently eliminate plaque. For those considering acquiring an electric toothbrush, this comprehensive guide provides all the essential information pertaining to the utilization of electric toothbrushes specifically designed for individuals with braces.

What are Electric Toothbrushes

An electric toothbrush is a type of toothbrush that uses rapid, automated bristle movements, including back-and-forth oscillation and rotation-oscillation, to clean the teeth. They help to remove plaque from the teeth.

Features of an Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes demonstrate efficacy in oral hygiene.

  • Electric toothbrushes are either sonic, which vibrates from side to side, or oscillating rotary, which spins with a back-and-forth rotating motion.

  • A built-in timer that turns off the brush after 2 minutes.

  • Comfortable handle with On and Off switch.

  • A 30-second indicator that beeps or flashes to move to a different area of the mouth.

  • It comes with a rechargeable battery that can last for weeks on a full charge.

  • Bristles that can clean profoundly and gently.

How to Brush the Braces with an Electric Toothbrush

While using a sonic or oscillating electric toothbrush on braces, make sure the bristles reach around the brackets. However, be cautious about applying too much pressure. Take your time to brush each tooth separately for a sparkling smile.

How do you choose the right electric toothbrush for braces?

Orthodontic braces can introduce complexities into the toothbrushing regimen, particularly when meticulous attention to every tooth is not taken. This can result in the accumulation of plaque and subsequent gum inflammation. Many dental professionals advocate electric toothbrushes for braces because of the thorough cleaning they provide. However, seeking advice from an orthodontist about your specific needs is still essential. Below are a few important features when buying an electric toothbrush for braces.

Various Cleaning Modes

Electric toothbrushes come with many cleaning settings, which can enhance the brushing experience in particular areas. The gum care mode uses a gentler brushing motion to massage the gums and remove plaque. Using the proper cleaning mode is essential to avoid damaging your teeth or gums.

Types of Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are classified into two types: oscillating and sonic.

  • Oscillating toothbrushes have a brush head that moves back and forth or in a circular motion. This helps to remove plaque and germs from the teeth.

  • Sonic toothbrushes have a brush head that vibrates at high frequency. This creates ultrasonic waves that help to remove plaque and germs from the teeth.

Brush head

Brush heads in oscillating rotary and sonic toothbrushes can vary in size and design. So carefully look at it and select one that will fit well in the mouth while brushing.

Type of power (rechargeable/disposable battery)

Some electric toothbrushes are rechargeable, while others use disposable batteries. If you choose an electric toothbrush with a rechargeable battery, keep the charger handy so you can always recharge it when it becomes low. Rechargeable toothbrushes are eco-friendly and convenient in general. If you choose an electric toothbrush with disposable batteries, be sure to replace the batteries often so that the power does not run off in the middle of a brushing session.

Ease of charging

Some electric toothbrushes come with an accessible charging dock. This is a convenient feature as it makes it easy to charge the electric toothbrush without searching for a charger cable.

Built-in Timer

Many electric toothbrushes come with a timer that stops the brush after two minutes. This is a great feature to look for because it helps to brush your teeth for the recommended time of two minutes.

Pressure sensors

Electric toothbrushes with pressure sensors are a good choice because they will alert you if too much pressure is applied to the teeth.

Ergonomic handle

Choose an electric toothbrush with an ergonomic handle, which means it is easy to grip and does not feel heavy. The handle of the electric toothbrush should be comfortable to hold so you can brush the teeth for two minutes. It should also be lightweight so that it is not tiring to hold.

Which electric toothbrush should you choose for braces?

Some electric toothbrushes excel at cleaning teeth with braces. According to a Scientific Journal that compares manual, powered, and sonic toothbrushes, sonic outperforms both manual and powered toothbrushes in reducing gum inflammation, plaque buildup, and bleeding between teeth in people with fixed braces.

Benefits of Using Electric toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They offer several benefits over manual toothbrushes, including:

Effective Cleaning in Small Spaces

Electric toothbrushes are known for their ease of brushing as they feature soft bristles that function with a combination of vibration and rotation. These toothbrushes can penetrate spaces where manual toothbrushes cannot reach, thereby easily removing plaque and debris.

Automate the brush time

Busy schedules can lead to poor oral health, especially for people with braces. With electric toothbrushes, the brushing time becomes seamless and hassle-free, as the timer can be set to ensure you have brushed the teeth for the recommended 2 minutes. Electric toothbrushes are a good investment for oral health.

A variety of settings

Electric toothbrushes come with settings that cater to the customised needs of the user. For example, some users may require a change in the direction or enhanced pulsations.

Aids in gum protection

Electric toothbrushes have a built-in pressure sensor that will automatically alert if too much pressure is exerted on the teeth, ensuring safety for both the gums and the enamel. With the rotating and vibrating action, it is essential to exercise the correct pressure.

Are there any disadvantages to using an electric toothbrush with braces?

There are no downsides to using an electric toothbrush for braces. They are more effective at removing plaque than a manual brush. A recent study comparing electric toothbrushes and manual toothbrushes showed that people who used electric toothbrushes for three months witnessed a reduction of plaque by 21% and gingivitis by 11% compared to using a manual toothbrush.

How do you clean an electric toothbrush?

The sole purpose of an electric toothbrush is to keep the teeth and gums clean and free of bacteria. Therefore, it's equally important to keep the toothbrush clean.

Cleaning your electric toothbrush is easy! Rinse the brush head under running water and let it air dry. You can also wipe down the handle of the electric toothbrush with a moist towel. Be sure not to submerge the electric toothbrush in water, which could damage the electrical components.

Is It Possible to Clean the Tongue Using Electric Toothbrushes?

Cleaning your tongue with an electric toothbrush is similar to cleaning it with a manual toothbrush. However, using an electric toothbrush with a gum care or massage mode is wise. You can brush the tongue in small, concentric circles for comfort, ensuring it covers the entire surface. Once you are done cleaning the tongue, rinse it thoroughly.

Key takeaways

  • Electric toothbrushes are an effective way to keep the teeth clean when you have braces.

  • Choose a soft-bristle electric toothbrush with an ergonomic handle.

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes.

  • Clean the electric toothbrush by rinsing the brush head under running water and letting it air dry.

  • Replace the brush head every three months.

  • Visit your dental professional for checkups and cleanings.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.